Groupes fermés

We offer a wide range of Closed Group programmes which can be customised to specific needs and requests.

These courses typically combine English in the morning with cultural activities and visits in the afternoons.

Pourquoi choisir ce cours ?


Create a personalised learning experience for your group with our range of flexible formats


Combine English learning with visits to places of deep cultural interest in and around York


Integrate specific interests and skills e.g. exam study, life skills, art or literature, drama, etc.

Ce que les étudiants pensent de ce cours

"My English has improved because I had interesting lessons with people whose level was the same as mine, so we had the opportunity to improve by doing challenging activities together."

Faits rapides

Niveau d'entrée

A1 / Elementary

Start dates


Âge minimum

18 (16 years with parental consent)



Durée du cours


Taille de la classe

Maximum 15 students

Prices on request

We check your language level before you arrive

You must complete the Tests de placement en lignet at least 14 days before you start your course at EiY. 

If you cannot do your test from home, please Contactez-nous.

Eve in class teaching

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