Anglais des affaires

By following this professional English group course, you will develop the language and communication skills you need to work more effectively in your international role.

This course is delivered by York Associates, our sister organisation, a leading provider of Business English training since 1980.

Woman on her laptop

Pourquoi choisir ce cours ?


Increase your business vocabulary and grammar to speak more fluently and effectively


Practise your skills to give presentations, participate in meetings and negotiate in English


Develop the intercultural competence to build and manage international relationships

Ce que les étudiants pensent de ce cours

“I enjoyed the great opportunity to talk during the classes, the flexibility in reorganising my course, the very friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and the social programme. I was really happy with my stay in York!”
Nazli Hodaie

Faits rapides

Niveau d'entrée


Date de début

Tous les lundis

Âge minimum

24 years


20/40 Lessons per week (15/30 hours)

Durée du cours

Minimum 1 semaine

Taille de la classe

Maximum 12 étudiants*


starting price per week

*En période de pointe, nous nous réservons le droit d'augmenter la taille de nos groupes au-delà de 12 personnes.

We check your language level before you arrive

You must complete the Tests de placement en lignet at least 14 days before you start your course at EiY. 

If you cannot do your test from home, please Contactez-nous.

Eve in class teaching

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