York Minster – The Best Cathedral in England

Commonly known as York Minster, the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York is one of the finest medieval buildings in Europe. It is the second largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe and was completed in 1472.

In addition to daily worship and services, there are many features to discover. York Minster boasts one of Europe’s biggest collections of stained glass, with 128 windows made from approximately 2 million individual pieces of stained glass. In the interactive underground chambers, you can discover the 2000-year-old history of York Minster. In the grounds outside the Minster, the Old Palace houses famous historical treasures, collections, artefacts and a library.

For the best view in York, climb the Central Tower for a magnificent view of the surrounding Yorkshire countryside. All year round there are special events, including performances by the York Minster Choir.

Image by Harshil
York Minster ceiling


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